About Me

Get to know about me and my goofy self

Hello! I'm a student who is passionate about Quantum Computer (QC). I have a quirky personality and a passion for exploring the unknown. Quantum computing combines the two disciplines I am most passionate about: Physics and CS. As I expand my knowledge, my fascination with quantum computing continues to flourish. I am drawn to the complex nature of quantum mechanics and its potential to revolutionize computing. I am mainly interested in harnessing QC's abilities to solve NP-Hard problems to optimize solutions for complicated problems. To understand how I can improve Quantum Computers; I started by learning how traditional computers can solve problems. Some of my work can be viewed here

When I'm not occupied by school, you can find me on the golf course, or the tennis court. I love honing my skills and enjoying the great outdoors. In addition, I love to curl up with a good book; my favourite genres are philosophy, or psychology as they help further mt understnading of society and human nature. Moreover, I'm a big fan of chess and often spend my evenings solving chess puzzles online. I love the games' ability to create unique strategies that can be used to boost my confidence and develop my skills.

Overall, I'm a curious and dedicated individual, who is always looking to learn, explore, and challenge myself. If you share any of my interests or want to chat about quantum computing, feel free to reach out here or challenge me for a game of chess by clicking here.